Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Course Students Learn in the Garden

Trees and shrubs were the topic for Week 8 of the garden course. Wearing our stoutest shoes, 13 of us used the garden site as an outdoor classroom. As usual Stephen, the tutor, was a mine of information about everything we saw. He pointed out key plants, including a small silver birch which we need to conserve, several shrubs which must have survived from the time when it was a cultivated garden, and the lovely elder which we will produce flowers and berries for wine and jam. As we worked, a beautiful healthy fox strolled confidently past us in the sunshine. A great experience.
The next course starts on Wednesday April 22nd at 7pm at the Learning Zone. Enrol in the previous week on April 15th, 16th or 17th.
Now, where's that homework on trees and shrubs.....?

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