The competition is open to everybody and will involve a design for the full length and height of the fence, including cut-out windows to view into the garden itself.
Designs need to be submitted to the FGCG team by 1 June 2015 and the winning design will then be painted by the community on a subsequent date in Summer. There will also be an exhibition of the winning design and runners up.
Judges for the competition are Steering Group Member, landscape architect, urban designer and competition lead Jane McCarthy; Steering Group Member and local artist, writer and editor Sonya Patel Ellis; internationally renowned artists Alex Chinneck, Tom Ellis and Lothar Götz; and local councillor Ellie Robinson.
Keep checking in here, on our website and social media for more details of the competition including dimensions and templates. FGCG Members will be advised of the competition by email.
If you want to become a Member email us at or sign up here >