Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Making the Garden Grow - The Inside Story: 1

As you’re probably aware we’ve been holding regular Make The Garden Grow sessions on Saturday mornings to get the FGCG ready for planting in spring 2016.  There’s a lot of planning and construction work going on behind our marvellous hoarding and we thought it might be a good idea to keep a record of progress and note how far we’ve come.  

We thought we’d also introduce some of our regular Saturday volunteers (or Garden Heroes as we like to call them) who’ve been grafting away building the various sections of garden, literally ‘making it grow’ from a mishmash of donated and scavenged materials, which is challenging to say the least.  

The team's developed a regular routine which involves signing in, donning gloves and hi-viz before looking at the weekly work sheet pinned to the inside of the container door.  We try and have tasks that cater for everyone whatever their skills and abilities so hopefully there’s always something for everyone - even if it’s only a word or two of encouragement.  After choosing a task it’s all hands to the pumps.  Using a combination of muscle, brains, good humour, teamwork, the odd song and plenty of cake we’re making steady progress!

Please follow these posts and see what we've been up to.  

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