Friday, 10 October 2014

LATEST EVENTS: The Big Draw – Create A Swarm with Eleanor Pearce, Sat 11 October

The Big Draw, the world's largest drawing festival is now in full swing, running from 1 October to 2 November 2014 – and Forest Gate, London E7 has two great events happening over the next two weekends. Both events are in keeping with this year's theme 'It's Our World', a celebration of our environment. 

First up is local artist Eleanor Pearce's 'Create A Swarm!' at CoffeE7 (7 Sebert Road, Forest Gate, E7 0NQ), a collaborative drawing experience, exploring the wonderful world of the bee and creating a swarm of amazing bee drawings in the process. You can find more details on The Big Draw website here >

There will be a range of source materials relating to the anatomy and life cycle of the honey bee and bumble bee to inspire you – just take a look at some of the fantastic drawings below to get your inner bee buzzing.

Eleanor will be on hand all day to help and assist at every stage, along with a team of dedicated drawing volunteers. She's also used to working with adults and children, and those who can and can't draw so don't be put off.  All ages are welcome to come and draw, especially if it is something you have not tried for a while. Music and costumes are also rumoured!

Work produced will then be exhibited in and around Coffee7, No8 Forest Gate Emporium and the Forest Gate locality so participants and onlookers can share the pleasure of Forest Gate's very own drawn swarm of bees.

It's all happening on Saturday 11 October between 10am and 4pm, so see you there!


Born in North London in 1979, Eleanor graduated from Middlesex University with first class honours in Fine art BA in 2001. She was recipient of the first base award in 2002 and has since exhibited regularly both in conventional gallery spaces and on alternative sites including Perrot's Folly, Birmingham, St Pancras Church Crypt, Crouch Hill Stationhouse Ticket Hall and Mishka Vintage, Crouch End. She works mainly in drawing, performance and installation. Eleanor is Director of Visual art at Islington Arts Factory. Her role involves leading the education department for adults and children, programming and initiating key projects within the centre. She directs the Gallery programme, curating in-house for the Metamorphose exhibition, The Salon, The Art Auction and the MakeArt exhibition. Eleanor specialises in teaching children and runs a drawing course at CoffeE7 for 7-11 year olds (current session: 11 September to 23 October 2014).

Contact: Eleanor Pearce
Twitter: @eleanorpearce

Eleanor Pearce hard at work over summer creating some test bees for The Big Draw's 'Create a Swarm'

Drawings created by Eleanor Pearce from specimens donated by The Local Honey Man:

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