The idea of this event is to create an outdoor gallery using a variety of experimental approaches to drawing. Take inspiration from the earth, forest and nature and use the tree's branches as a platform to hang your drawing creations.
Use the wet clay to make your own pencil to draw with, collect insects and draw from nature, make giant tree rubbings and draw with scissors, or blow paint or ink around the page to make amazing trees that you can decorate with 'leaf glitter'.
A variety of paper and drawing materials will be available plus artists' expertise to assist with drawing techniques. This includes local artists and creatives Nicola Cunningham, Sonya Patel Ellis, Rocco Turino and Tom Ellis.
All work will be hung from the trees to celebrate the surroundings and the community involved, so come and see even if you think you don't want to draw.
To find us, head to Wanstead Flats off Dames Road – just follow the signs to 'The Woodland Gallery', located in the little copse of woods between the 'Helicopter Park' by Jubilee Pond and Sidney Road, Forest Gate E7 0ED. Fingers crossed for fine weather, although the organisers hope to continue rain or shine – just wear appropriate clothing and they'll adjust the activities to suit.
It's all happening on Saturday 18 October between 11am and 3pm, so see you there!
Children's Gallery is a place for children of all ages to create and exhibit their work, founded by artist and early years teacher Nicola Cunningham. Events, gatherings and art sessions have so far been held at the Wanstead Tap in Forest Gate and continue with The Big Draw on Wanstead Flats. Look out for more events in the future.
Contact: Children's Gallery
Email: nichumbug@hotmail.com
The Herbarium Project is a platform for the creative exploration of links between nature, art, science, books and culture, created by writer, editor and visual artist Sonya Patel Ellis. The project officially launched in March 2014 with an exhibition of botanically-inspired works by Ellis at CoffeE7 in Forest Gate, London E7, including a herbarium of her garden pressed over a year (see review Time Out). Since then, Ellis sells works through local emporium Number 8 Forest Gate, has collaborated with local artist Eleanor Pearce on an event to raise funds for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust, has given talks to the WI and made herbaria of various locations in the neighbourhood. When not making books for various publishers – including Nature Tales: Encounters with Britain's Wildlife – she is also involved with the Forest Gate Community Garden, creating and maintaining their website and blog. This is the first of hopefully many collaborations with Children's Gallery.
Contact: Children's Gallery
Email: sonyapatelellis@gmail.com
Website: www.theherbariumproject.com
Blog: http://atlherbier.blogspot.com
Twitter: @sonyapatelellis
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sonyapatelellis