Monday, 19 January 2015

FEATURE // Meet some of the Steering Group

Got a question for the Forest Gate Community Garden Steering Group? Wondering who is on the team? Here's a rundown of some of the Steering Group Members, who have been working super hard over many many months to get the garden off the ground. You've probably seen some of us around, often in CoffeE7 recruiting Members or meeting about various issues

The Forest Gate Community Garden Steering Group is made up of a core group of Members. We have all gradually developed a specialism, based on our skills, expertise, knowledge and contacts. This has been invaluable in the process of setting up the garden as there are a surprisingly large and varied number of tasks required to get something like this off the ground. The great news is, we're very nearly there!

We meet fortnightly at 7.30 on a Wednesday for an hour and a half. You would be welcome to come along and see how we work, and decide whether you would like to join us. Just email to express your interest.

In alphabetical order (we are very non-hierarchical). To help put a face to the name, check out our website Gallery page:

Hugh Barnard - Our IT guru and critical thinker

Kath Copnell – Takes accurate legible minutes, proof reader and can be relied on to comment on-line

Yasmine Curpen – Founder Member, can’t make Wednesdays but always responds on-line when she isn’t travelling in India

Lisa Eller – Our professional gardener, strong on planning and heaving materials about

Lloyd Jeans – Loves networking, local history, organising events and photography. IT skills developing

Isobel Matheson – Social media expert and Health Worker, services Twitter and Facebook

Jane McCarthy Wilkinson – Our Landscape Architect, has planned the garden and worked tirelessly on our planning application

Michaela O’Connor – Our utterly reliable Treasurer, can’t make Wednesdays as she teaches Circus Skills

Lucy Ockenden – Our newest member, professional events organiser

Sonya Patel Ellis – Writer, editor and designer and editor of our fabulous website and blog, is involved in numerous local events

Les Rice – The practical person who keeps us firmly rooted, can’t wait to start digging

Myanah Saunders – Admin and acting co-ordinator

Kate Spencer – an environmental geochemist, knows all about soil and bid writing, worked tirelessly on our recent bid

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