Monday, 26 January 2015

LATEST NEWS // Sun-drenched day on site clearing rubbish and moving in materials from the Olympics

Thanks to everyone who turned out on Friday 23 January for the second Forest Gate Community Garden site clear and to help move Freeusable materials from the Olympics 2012 onto our site at 136 Earlham Grove. The sun really is shining on us!

Getting stuck into the site clear led by
Steering Group Member Hugh Barnard
Teams of FGCG Members joined forces with London Groundwork and community officers from the local police and Newham Council to help get the task down, brilliantly managed by Steering Group Members Lisa Eller and Hugh Barnard.

With everyone's help, we managed to clear most of the rubbish into a skip (thanks to Ian Martin at Newham Council for organising that) and move donated goods including paving slabs and stones into the site. Truly amazed by the range of ingenious ways our volunteers came up with to move the rubbish and transport the donated goods on site.

Another brilliant way to transport the rubbish off site
A packed lunch was prepared by Myanah and Kath from the Steering Group to keep the volunteers energised. Plus we had a most generous spontaneous delivery of homemade ginger biscuits and tea from the Bruderhof community on Clova Road – best ginger biscuits we've ever tasted.

The sun shone all day, albeit with a frosty start, proving once again what an amazing sun trap the site of the garden is. Everyone agrees, there's something quite magical about this spot and with some  of the buddleia and debris cleared, the site looks even bigger and more inviting.

Councillor Rohima Rahman with Steering Group Members
Lloyd Jeans and Isobel Matheson – plus our youngest volunteer
Iggy Ellis helping mum and Steering Group Member
Sonya Patel Ellis with photography!
We also had a visit from Councillor Rohima Rahman of Green Street East ward and Community Leader for Forest Gate, who supports several community gardens in the borough. Thanks Councillor Rohima for coming to observe our efforts. We hope to see you in the garden again soon.

The last two volunteer days have been such a success and such fun too, we just can't wait for the next opportunity to get on site, hopefully to celebrate signing the lease!

Brilliant invention! The intelligence of mankind
Another ingenious way to cart away the rubbish
Ginger biscuit delivery
The morning team at Forest Gate Community Garden site, clearing rubbish and unloading donations – supported by  Councillor Rohima Rahman and Ian Martin from Newham Council
Must stop people rummaging through our rubbish ;-)
Thanks Ian Martin at Newham Council for organising the wheelbarrow!

Some of the 'rubbish' on site that we're keeping and reusing

A frosty but sunny start

Wave goodbye to the rubbish!

Donated goods from the Olympics 2012 on the lorry ready for transportation - there's that lovely bench!

The team at the end of the day

Great support from London Groundwork 

Great support from London Groundwork 

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